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AGM Minutes 2022

    Minutes of AGM held on Wednesday 25 October 2022


Richard Harris, Maria James, David James, Lloyd James, Tony Knott, Pete Denham, Steve Greenen, John Denham, Dave Henvest, Mike Wiseman, Sue Wiseman, Jim Gray, Bill Latham, Mo Latham, Sally Garland, Nick Fox, Andy Withers, Trevor Gattrell, Michael Jordan, Gabrella Baranyi, Andrew Bryant, Jack Bryant



Ian Bird, Paul Garland, Miles Garland, Gary Plews, Shane Babey


Copies available from MW

Chairman's Report

After two years of uncertainty the Club has bounced back and had a successful year with a current membership of 202.

In the last 12 months the Club has held 26 Trials, 6 Practice Days, 2 Camping Weekends, an Awards Presentation and the 50th Anniversary Party,

The Bunny Lane incident reiterated the importance of first aid cover and the presence of a defibrillator at non-speed events. This will be discussed later.

The Club has a solid Committee who make our events happen, but we need more volunteers at Clubman and Expert levels to help mark out and run the Open To Centre events. We welcome offers of help, there is no satisfaction in putting on an event that is not enjoyed or safe. We do our best but without suitable help we may not always succeed.

The current, and we hope future ACU online systems make event administration very slick and enables the club to mark out events for the riders pre-booked.

Never again will we mark out an Expert route at a Trial, with no Experts turning up to ride.

Our officials and helpers turn up regardless, so we have little sympathy for riders who tell us they wait to see what the weather is like on the day before they decide to ride! Online entry is here to stay!

The dedicated Rider Numbers were introduced during the pandemic and works well. Riders who do not have a printed card can request one from Sally Garland. sallygarland@sky.com

Riders who enter after an event is “closed” are issued with a “one event” number in the 800 series, with a card issued at sign-on.

We are very fortunate to have several venues to use and are mindful that we need to “use them or lose them”

There was a proposal to reduce the number of events held in 2023, but subject to available helpers, we have provisionally planned 24 for2023 to make sure all land is used. There are likely to be additional Practice Days added to the calendar.

The Langrish venues need some considerable cutting out to maximise their potential.

We will be organising a couple of “Work Rest and Play Days” to get the work done, with a couple of hours practice for a reward.

Observers have not been an issue this year and we thank all the regulars who turn out to help. If you have not Observed, please offer your services for at least one Trial.

With 200 members you only need to volunteer once a year to cover the calendar.

A unanimous decision was taken to use the current waterproof score sheets rather than punch cards. It is a rider’s responsibility to make sure they ride all sections – ride the sections in order.

We have concerns regarding the lack of Youth Riders and believe that there are several external factors outside of our control causing the problem. The biggest factor being the price of new bikes and the shortage of second-hand machines. Any members suggestions or thoughts are appreciated.

The Club has a strong “Social Scene” and propose to hold more Social Events next year.

Personally, I will become less involved with COC and “on the day” event activity but do need the help of others to enable me to do this.

My intended legacy will be to hand over an active and successful Club to the next generation – but you haven’t got rid of me just yet!

Finance update - All looking good. As always, the greatest expense is ACU fees. A small operating loss will be reduced as all remaining events this year are at Hut Hill, where the land is already paid for.

Headline Numbers



Trials Entry Fees (Inc Camping)




50th Party


Awards Presentation


All other Income








ACU Levy and Insurance






ACU Ben Fund Donation


Mortimers Awards Presentation




50th Anniversary Party - Catering


Hut Hill Lease


Hut Hill Carpark Enhancement and Digger Hire


50th Anniversary - Entertainment




Committee Expenses (Inc. Fuel)




Macmillan Charity


Stationery, Printing & Cartridges


Camping Weekend BBQ


Muscular Dystrophy (Bunny Lane)


50th Anniversary Party Hall Hire


Awards Presentation Entertainment


All other Expenditure






Operational Loss


Charity Donations. It was noted that the Club supports several charities. The donations made this year were:

Ben Fund                                  £1700.00

McMillan                                £ 705.00

Brain Tumour                          £ 250.00

Parkinson’s UK                          £ 200.00

Muscular Dystrophy                £ 550.00

Club Affiliation All present were in favour of remaining affiliated to the ACU


       Chairman - Mike Wiseman

       Secretary; Mike Wiseman

       Awards & Events Team: Sue Wiseman, Mo Latham, Sally Garland

       Minutes Secretary: Mo Latham

       Treasurer: Mike Wiseman

       Membership Secretary: Sue Wiseman

       Child Protection Officer: Mo Latham and Sally Garland

       Defibrillator Officer: Sally Garland

       Club Coach: Ian Bird

       Environmental Officer: Gary Plews / Trevor Gattrel (in training)

       Youth Representative: David James

       Committee Members not listed above:

       John Denham, Steve Greenen, Jim Gray, Andrew Bryant, Jack Bryant, Bill Latham, Dave Henbest, Tony Knott, Trevor Gattrel, Maria James, Andy Withers.

Clerks of Course:

   Mike Wiseman, Steve Greenen, Jim Gray, Andrew Bryant, Jack Bryant, Bill Latham

 Lloyd James and Ian Bird have confirmed places at the December COC Seminar.

Technical officers: All licences expire in December. MW to investigate future requirements.

Fees: All present agreed to keep the same fees as 2022.

Club Membership

£15.00 for single membership

£20.00 for Family Membership

Entry Fees

Practice Trials £15.00 (Youth £10.00).

Club and OTC Trials £20.00 (Youth £15.00)

It was noted that over £9.00 from adult entry fees are paid to the ACU.

Should ACU “Premiums” increase the Club reserves the option to increase these fees to reflect any necessary increase.

Observers will be paid £20.00 for all events, except for Charity Events where volunteers will be sought.

Membership Confirmation: MJ will review the Membership confirmation email to ensure all relevant Club information is shared with new members.

Events: it was agreed to run the following events in 2023

       8 x Club Championship rounds

       6 x Summer Series

       5 x Open Trials

            The Alan Sansom, The Hobnail, The St Paul, The John Wright, and The Dick Hoyles.        (Some may be run in conjunction with Club Championship Trials)

       3 x Southern Centre Championship rounds

The George Greenland, The Geoff Chandler, and The Keith Marshall

       2 x Camping weekends

There will also be one off charity trials to be determined at future committee meetings and additional practice days as demand dictates.


A suggestion was received by DJ to run more training events. To be reviewed at the December Meeting.

Laps & Sections: It was proposed that for events with an entry less than 40 riders, 5 laps of 8 sections may be implemented to reduce Observer expenditure.

Dates Calendar 2023: The provisional 2023 Waltham Chase Dates Calendar has been produced and is now uploaded to the Club Website. These dates are correct as of 26th October.

Rider Classification:  All present agreed to keep Club rider classifications as 2022


       Expert – (A – Green - Route)

       Clubman (B Red - Blue Route)

       Veteran - Over 50 (C – White Route)

       Sportsman - Under 50 (C – White Route)

       Novice -Adult (D – Yellow Route)

       Pre-65(C and D Route)

       Twin Shock (C and D Route)

       Youth A, B, C, D and E

A request to harmonise Centre Championship Classifications and Route Marking was noted and will be progressed by MW

Defibrillator update: SG gave an update on the Defibrillator. SG to coordinate defibrillator training with Wessex Heartbeat.

First Aid Training: There is no requirement for a first aider at a non speed event, however the recent incident at Bunny Lane highlighted the importance of having adequate First Aid cover at all events.

MW & SG will explore options for additional local training.

On future online entries we will ask riders voluntarily if they have a First Aid qualification and are able to assist in the event of an emergency at that event.

It was proposed that all COC’s should consider being a First Aider. This might not suit all due to personal reasons. SG and MW to investigate this further

Coaching: It was confirmed that Ian Bird (Rider no,42) is our Club Coach. If you would like some coaching, please discuss with Ian at any Club trial.

It would be good to make more use of Ian’s skills. Future events to be discussed with Ian and promoted. 

Observer and Course Plotter Training: This was discussed, and training will be offered at future events in 2023. Please contact MW if you would like to get involved.

Sport 80: The ACU are introducing a new platform, Sport80, for all membership and event administration. Progress and updates will be issued when available. In preparation all members are asked to make sure that their email address registered with the ACU is correct; if not you will not be able to access the new system.

Club website: A suggestion was received from DJ to add a shop facility for riders to purchase club clothing, stickers, etc., but we would need to make the website a bit more interactive. Committee to review at next meeting.

Facebook: All OK. ML and RO are administrators.

Awards presentation 2023: Date confirmed ,4 February 2023 at Otterbourne Village Hall. Team to finalise arrangements and communicate to members.

Social Activities: Sally Garland to organise a Quiz Night, Skittles Night or Bingo evening. Details to follow the December Committee Meeting.

 Catering: Do we need catering at events? Sam Spelling is happy to do Langrish events if available. Rozzie is covering events up to the end of the year at Hut Hill. Suggestion that catering is arranged for open events only. Members input to be sought.

 Future Committee meetings: It was agreed to hold six meetings per year. The next is scheduled for 13th December 2022 at The Ship Inn, Redbridge.

 The meeting closed at 10pm