.... Next Event .... The Francis Family Trial - 11.00am Start (Open) on 28/09/2024 at Bryces Farm .... Next Event ....
News Update - 10th September


No Licence, No Club Membership - No Problem!

If you, or have a friend would like to take part in any Waltham Chase event, and have the use of a bike, but are not registered we can provide Club Day Membership for £3.00 and an ACU “One Event Licence” for £5.00. The normal event entry fee is also payable.

If riding at any event you will need a helmet and boots and in addition, if a youth rider you must have your arms covered when riding.

For further details please email walthamchasetrials@outlook.com


The Francis Family Trial

The entry for the “Francis Family Trial”, being held at Bunny Lane (Bryces Farm), Sherfield English on Saturday 28th September is now 50% booked. (Note: Some riders have not “checked-out” on Sport80)

Due to restricted parking the entry is capped at 60 riders.

This may increase if additional land becomes available after harvesting.

Book early to secure your ride at this “once a year” venue, which has some great climbs and sections to master, however the venue is not suitable for small-wheeled E-Bikes or novice Youth Riders.


Entry is via the link: https://acu.sport80.com/public/wizard/e/203934


We are currently short of Observers for this Trial, with offers to help appreciated.

£20.00 expenses and a free lunch are paid to all volunteers.

Please reply to this email if you can help.

We will only open sections if we have an Observer to observe it. The target for the day is 12, but it could be just 8 – Help Please.


The “Keith Marshall Shield”

A sad day: This will possibly be the last Trial held at this venue, so come along to the “Keith Marshall Shield,” which is being held at Woodberry Lane, Rowlands Castle on Sunday October 6th and enjoy the day.

This is a “Classic” round of the ACU Southern Centre Trials Championship, with supporting, “no points”, modern bike classes.

Non-Stop rules apply at this Trial.

Entry is via the Sport80 link: https://acu.sport80.com/public/wizard/e/203947

Offers to observe appreciated, including some with bikes to get to the distant sections.

Debs Food Truck confirmed.

If you have about £1m spare you could of course purchase the land!


And on the subject of Land………

We are always keen to find and look at new venues for Trials. If any members are aware of any available land, please advise. We can make the contact with the Landowner if necessary.


Charity Trial

Waltham Chase MCC will be running their annual Charity Trial on Saturday 9th November 2024 at the Hut Hill.

(This Trial will include Round 6 of the Summer Series – a tad late but we have been busy for the last couple of months.!)

The entry is now open on Sport80 via the link: https://acu.sport80.com/public/wizard/e/204017

This year all proceeds being donated to Prostate Cancer UK, a charity close to a number of our riders and members hearts.

The trial will have a starting time of 11.00am and we are planning a course of 3 laps with 12 sections, although this may change subject to getting the relevant number of observers.

Volunteers to Observe appreciated, with a free lunch and drinks provided. The usual fee will be donated to the Charity Fund.

If you run a business and would like to sponsor a section this would cost £ 20.00 for the day. We will happily display any advertising banners etc for you at you sponsored section.

Any offers of sponsorship, raffle prizes and help to observer please e-mail Steve Greenen on greenens@virginmedia.com but Steve can also be contacted on 07789 126823.


Notice of AGM

The 2024 Waltham Chase Trials MCC AGM is being held on Wednesday 16th October 2023

at The Empress of Blandings, Romsey Rd, Copythorne SO40 2PE

What3Words https://w3w.co/ruffle.ramps.brochure


Doors open from 7.00pm with the AGM commencing at 7.30


All Club members are invited to attend, with offers to help with the running of future events as Clerks of the Course especially required and appreciated.

If you are not able to attend but have topics you would like discussed, please send details by email no later than the 12th of October.

Please confirm attendance by email to: walthamchasetrials@outlook.com


And Finally

At the Club’s Committee Meeting held yesterday evening it was identified that we do not have sufficient volunteers in place to run all of our planned events in 2025, and without some offers of help our calendar of events for next year will only include the Club Championship, the Summer Series and reduced number of “Open” Trials.

We have no problems with event administration, paperwork or Sport80 – we more need people on the ground (which is often too steep for some of us!) to mark out and run the events on the day as a Clerk of Course.

It would be a shame to see the Club cease to run some of the legacy events, but without some new offers of help it is a possibility.

There are places available for any interested parties on the Clerk Of Course Seminar being held on Saturday 19th October at Otterbourne Village Hall.

Full training and support will be provided to any volunteers.


Regards and thanks.

Mike Wiseman

Tel: 07533 741144